

Cerberus aus dem Tal, IGP3

Cerberus aus dem Tal is a fantastic young solid black male from my breeding. He achieved his IGP1 at NorthWest Regionals May 2019 and was third place – new field, new helper after a 14 hour drive to get there, on tracking grounds unlike he sees at home – that’s tough enough on a mature dog, much less a young IGP1 dog. He got his IGP2 with me and was high in trial October 2019 and second highest in protection, and made IGP3 in December 2019. This dog impresses me continually. He has a super pedigree and is a beautiful dog with a strength I haven’t seen very often. This dog is a real breeding dog. He is competing in IPO/IGP and although he looks good doing it, he’s not a a “sporty” dog. He is handler hard, but doesn’t have any unreasonable handler aggression. Hard as nails to the helper. This dog has zero environmental sensitivities and perfect grip. We didn’t do any type of “real life” scenarios until after his first title and I was incredibly impressed with how he handled it. This is a dog that would be an outstanding police or military dog. I am sure there are many people out there making that claim about dogs that absolutely couldn’t, but this dog is “the real deal.” If I were a K9 officer, id kill to have Cerb as my partner. Nothing is going to make him think twice about apprehending someone and short of dying he’s never going to quit fighting for you. This dude will have your back through thick and thin. Once he is finished with IPO/IGP, we’ll be filming more scenarios like muzzle work, multiple attackers, more indoor, police type scenarios, etc. Everyone loves those super social dogs, but we need hard dogs in the lineages to continue to produce dogs that have heart and can stay in a fight for their person and their job. So far, I’ve had limited litters by him, but I am liking the pups a lot; they are attractive, stable, great grip and drivey, but not over the top crazy – I am generally breeding him to females that aren’t overly hard or civil to shoot for producing balanced dogs. A special thanks to Sean Sutton and Herb Hirschfeld for their roles in Cerb’s early life.

He is DM clear, long coat clear and has OFA good hips and OFA normal elbows. He is available for stud to outside females.


01/09/2019: Working on some fun scenarios with Kyle Krotter. Kyle said he wouldn’t feel like a good teacher if the kids went straight to recess (lol) so the video starts with a hold and bark and then we go to the jungle gym. This is the first time Cerb has seen anything like this. I didn’t do much editing to the video or add music because for one, I thought the commentary was hilarious, and for two, I didn’t want anyone to think there’s any “smoke and mirrors” of doing retakes because the dog was bothered by something.



a son of Cerb, 11 month old Trace aus dem Tal:




  • Nickname Cerb
  • Date of Birth Oct 16, 2016
  • Color black
  • Mother SG Kessy Bzenecká Lipka, ZVV1
  • Father V Ace vom Haus Tyson, IPO3


  • 3rd place Northwest Regionals

  • BH

  • IGP1


  • OFA Normal Elbows

  • DM Clear

  • Long Coat Clear

  • OFA Good Hips


Aus Dem Tal German Shepherds

Quality working line German Shepherd Dogs focusing on health, working ability, and temperament.
(559) 936-1633